Category Archives: instrumental guitar

At Burnt Bridge Cellars Fri. Jan 8, 2016, 5:30-8pm


We performed acoustic guitar renditions on Friday Jan 8, 2016, at Burnt Bridge Cellars winery, 1500 Broadway, downtown Vancouver Washington, to a large and enthusiastic audience. Mark of Burnt Bridge graciously provided us with the best viognier white wine we’ve tasted (pronounced vee-on-yay). This wine is complex, fruity, brut and mellow, with not even a hint of harshness. Just like our music.

Greg Clapp of Tiki-Kon recorded part of our performance, viewable from our Facebook page (timeline date 1/11/16):

Sept 11 performance at Emanar Wine Cellars

It’s a gorgeous place for dinner and wine in Battle Ground, Washington, and even more sumptuous with our lovely tones. We began at the lowest performance volume we ever used, to permit conversation among the diners. The large sliding doors to outside were closed because of the outdoor heat. As the evening progressed temperatures outdoors moderated, the sliding doors opened, and diners moved outdoors. We notched the volume up a bit, and that suited what was now a larger venue, and we were rockin’.

National “Best rock instrumental” award June, 2015

On June 15, 2015 we received the national award for “best rock instrumental song” from The Akademia ( for our recording of “Shootout.” The award letter says “Winning an Akademia Award is a rare career distinction.” The award is shown here:
It spans all rock instrumentals, not only surf guitar.

At this time you can hear this thrilling recording on our front page

New recordings 3/15/15

Just added to our music page are “Shootout” and “Dark Eyes.” This is the first recording of our original “Shootout.” This may be our sixth recording of “Dark Eyes” and we found a hard rocking groove and a great chimey tone. Today these are the first songs on our “Music” page.

New video comparing 11 guitar bridge pickups

Here is a link to a video we just posted (with detailed comments) comparing eleven different bridge pickups on eight different electric guitars. First we play a 39 second segment in a full ensemble with each pickup in turn. This is followed by the lead guitar alone, in the same order. The complete video lasts 15 minutes. The order of pickups is from most trebly to least trebly, in our opinion. Guitars include Fender, Mosrite, Goya, Steinberger, and several we customized. This should be of interest to guitarists and we do not know of another recording like it.

Gallery 360 performance 1/2/2015

We had a lot of fun performing at the lovely Gallery 360 last Friday. Here are a couple of photos of us wired up and in action.

Conrad & Tom, at Slocum House Gallery, 1/2/2015.
Conrad & Tom, at Slocum House Gallery, 1/2/2015.
Conrad & Tom, performing at Slocum House Gallery, 1/2/2015.
Conrad & Tom, performing at Slocum House Gallery, 1/2/2015.

Cheers to Kirill and  Michael for attending as they advised via “Meetup.”  Thanks to Linda and Cynthia for the photos.

Performing Friday 1/2/2015, 6-8pm

On the first Friday of January 2015 (1/2/15), 6-8:15pm, the Insanitizers duo will perform Music for Surf-Flamenco Guitar Duo indoors at the Gallery 360 downtown Vancouver, Washington. The gallery is in the historic Slocum House, 605 Esther Street, at the SW corner of Esther Short Park.

Our sound is amazingly gorgeous although at the volume of an ordinary conversation. All our songs have new arrangements, in the style of Rautalanka music from Finland, upbeat, jolly, or mysterious. Simultaneously see the new art showing. There is no fee to attend, and our music is suitable for all ages.

Even if you can not spend,
we hope you will attend.

Note: Gallery 360 moved a few months ago, after our May 2014 performance.